Common Parameters
c8y supports common parameters to handle a range of different scenarios.
For example:
- only include selected properties in the response
- force/confirm a command (disable/enable prompts)
- verbose/debug output
- control pagination
- change output format
Common parameters are also supported in the PSc8y PowerShell module, however the parameters have a slightly different format. Below shows a few examples of how they map to PSc8y.
c8y | PSc8y |
--verbose | -Verbose |
--pageSize | -PageSize |
- In PowerShell use a single dash
before parameter instead of two dashes--
. - c8y parameters are case-sensitive, however PowerShell is not
Below is an example showing the differences between c8y and PSc8y
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices list --verbose --pageSize 1 --withTotalPages
c8y devices list --verbose --pageSize 1 --withTotalPages
New-DeviceCollection -Verbose -PageSize 1 -WithTotalPages
All common parameters are detailed in the next section along with some examples to show its use case.
Common Parameters​
Abort batch when reaching specified number of errors (default 10)
A command is set to exit early if the number of errors reaches a certain value. For example if the user is trying to a large number of alarms for a non-existent device, then the command will stop after 10 errors, giving the user a change to fix their mistake without spamming the platform.
Also if the server is not available due to an ongoing upgrade, then the command will stop early as their is no point sending requests to a platform which is currently unreachable
Example: Abort after receiving 2 errors​
Create 10 events for the same device. Though for the sake of the example, we will use a non-existent device id (i.e. id=0), which will throw a HTTP 422 error.
The non-existent id will be piped 10 times using the utility command c8y util repeat
which will be piped to try to create 10 events, where a delay of 1 second is used between creating events.
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y util repeat 10 --format 0 |
c8y events create --type "io_simulation_Raw" --text "Received raw input value" --delay 1000 --abortOnErrors 2
c8y util repeat 10 --format 0 |
c8y events create --type "io_simulation_Raw" --text "Received raw input value" --delay 1000 --abortOnErrors 2
c8y util repeat 10 --format 0 |
c8y events create --type "io_simulation_Raw" --text "Received raw input value" --delay 1000 --abortOnErrors 2
2021-04-24T11:11:13.638Z ERROR commandError: aborted batch as error count has been exceeded. totalErrors=2
The exact error can be viewed in the activity log which is accessible either by viewing the json file or using the command:
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y activitylog list --dateFrom "-10min" --filter "method eq POST" --select "time,method,path,statusCode,responseError"
c8y activitylog list --dateFrom "-10min" --filter "method eq POST" --select "time,method,path,statusCode,responseError"
c8y activitylog list --dateFrom "-10min" --filter "method eq POST" --select "time,method,path,statusCode,responseError"
| time | method | path | statusCode | responseError.error | | responseError.message |
| 2021-04-24T11:11:12.6073087Z | POST | /event/events | 422 | event/Unprocessable Entity |… | Source object does not exist in inventory. |
| 2021-04-24T11:11:13.6367223Z | POST | /event/events | 422 | event/Unprocessable Entity |… | Source object does not exist in inventory. |
Compact instead of pretty-printed output when using json output. Pretty print is the default if output is the terminal.
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices list --output json --compact --view auto
c8y devices list --output json --compact --view auto
Get-DeviceCollection -Output json -Compact -View auto
Prompt for confirmation
By default only specific commands require a confirmation, i.e. by default commands which just send a GET HTTP request do not require confirmation, however confirmation can be enforced by using confirm
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices list --confirm
c8y devices list --confirm
Get-DeviceCollection -Confirm
? Confirm (job: 1)
Get device collection on tenant {tenant}
[y] Yes [a] Yes to All [n] No [l] No to All (y)
Confirmation will take priority over the force parameter. Useful in production environments when you want to be sure that you will be prompted before the command is sent
Custom confirmation text
Control the confirmation message that will be shown to the user. This can be used when creating your own wrapper scripts.
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices list --confirm --confirmText "Hey there, are you sure you want to get a device list"
c8y devices list --confiRemove-Item --confirmText "Hey there, are you sure you want to get a device list"
New-DeviceCollection -ConfiRemove-Item -ConfirmText "Hey there, are you sure you want to get a device list"
? Confirm (job: 1)
Hey there, are you sure you want to get a device list on tenant {tenant}
[y] Yes [a] Yes to All [n] No [l] No to All (y)
Current page which should be returned
Using large page number can be slow, so it is better to use either date filtering or the inventory query where possible
c8y devices list --query "name eq 'device*' and gt '2021-04-24T09:18:00'"
c8y operations list --dateFrom "2021-04-24T09:18:00"
Example: Get the second page of results instead of the first
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices list --pageSize 5 --currentPage 2
c8y devices list --pageSize 5 --currentPage 2
New-DeviceCollection -PageSize 5 -CurrentPage 2
| id | name | type | owner | lastUpdated | c8y_availability.status |
| 461902 | device_0006 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T12:19:12.803Z | |
| 461903 | device_0007 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T12:19:12.882Z | |
| 484203 | device_0008 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T12:19:12.919Z | |
| 453083 | device_0009 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T12:19:12.951Z | |
| 453084 | device_0010 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T12:19:12.995Z | |
Set very verbose log messages
Debug will show both verbose and debug messages on standard error output. The debug output can be helpful to diagnose unexpected any behavior. But generally it should not be turned on when running many commands otherwise your output will be spammed with messages.
Example: Get debug output of a command so it can be included in a bug ticket​
Sensitive information should be hidden before sharing it with anyone as it contains the authorization header
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
# hide sensitive info
eval $( c8y settings update logger.hideSensitive true --shell auto )
c8y alarms list --debug
# hide sensitive info
c8y settings update logger.hideSensitive true --shell auto | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
c8y alarms list --debug
# hide sensitive info
c8y settings update logger.hideSensitive true --shell auto | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
Get-AlarmCollection -Debug
delay after each request. It accepts a duration, i.e. 1ms, 0.5s, 1m etc.
Adding a delay after each request is useful to apply some basic rate limiting to your commands (especially when using pipelines).
- Delay is ignored if only one request is being sent. i.e.
c8y devices list --delay 1000
will not apply the 1 second delay - Delay is applied even for a dry run. This is helpful to check that the delay works as you expect
Example: Rate limiting​
Using a delay
of 500 milliseconds to ensure that the requests do not overload the platform.
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
seq 1 10 | c8y devices create --workers 2 --delay 500
1..10 | c8y devices create --workers 2 --delay 500
1..10 | batch | New-Device -Workers 2 -Delay 500
delay before each request is sent. It accepts a duration, i.e. 1ms, 0.5s, 1m etc.
Example 1: Simulate a device (agent) processing operations​
A realtime client is used to subscribe to created operations for a device and it forwards the operation down the pipeline where downstream commands process before passing it on to its downstream command. The following shows the sequence followed by each operation:
- Wait for newly created operations (using realtime client with websockets)
- Wait 5000 milliseconds (after receiving an operation from step 1), then set the operation's status to EXECUTING
- Wait 10000 milliseconds (after receiving operation from step 2), then set the operation's status to SUCCESSFUL
The whole process runs for 180 seconds as the subscription duration is set to 180
in the first command. Alternatively, if you only want to process a fixed count of operations then you can use the count
parameter, but the duration will still be used to control how long the realtime client listens to operations for.
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y operations subscribe --device 1234 --duration 180 --actionTypes CREATE |
c8y operations update --delayBefore 5000 --status EXECUTING |
c8y operations update --delayBefore 10000 --status SUCCESSFUL
c8y operations subscribe --device 1234 --duration 180 --actionTypes CREATE |
c8y operations update --delayBefore 5000 --status EXECUTING |
c8y operations update --delayBefore 10000 --status SUCCESSFUL
Watch-Operation -Device 1234 -Duration 180 -ActionTypes CREATE |
Update-Operation -DelayBefore 5000 -Status EXECUTING |
Update-Operation -DelayBefore 10000 -Status SUCCESSFUL
Dry run. Don't send any data to the server
displays the REST request that would have been sent if dry
was not used. This parameter does NOT send a request to Cumulocity, it just displays the contents of the request on the console. This is useful if you want to see exact REST request and body being sent so you can copy it for use in other applications.
Example: Check what request would be sent without creating the device
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices create --name "my-test" --dry --dryFormat markdown
c8y devices create --name "my-test" --dry --dryFormat markdown
New-Device -Name "my-test" -Dry -DryFormat markdown
What If: Sending [POST] request to []
### POST /inventory/managedObjects
| header | value
| Accept | application/json
| Authorization | Basic {base64 tenant/username:password}
| Content-Type | application/json
#### Body
"c8y_IsDevice": {},
"name": "my-test"
Dry run output format. i.e. json, dump, markdown or curl (default "markdown")
See the dry run concept page for more details and examples
Show examples for the current command
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices list --examples
c8y devices list --examples
New-DeviceCollection -Examples
$ c8y devices list --name "sensor*" --type myType
Get a collection of devices of type "myType", and their names start with "sensor"
Apply a client side filter to response before returning it to the user. It supports a simple filter language making it easy for wildcards, regular expression matches
Multiple filters can be applied and they will be applied together with a logical AND.
You want to ensure that the pageSize
is large enough that it will include some the response that you are interested in, otherwise the filter will not display any results.
Example: Get application list and filter using a wildcard search by name and type
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y applications list --pageSize 100 --filter "name like *cockpit*" --filter "type match HOSTED|MICROSERVICE"
c8y applications list --pageSize 100 --filter "name like *cockpit*" --filter "type match HOSTED|MICROSERVICE"
Get-ApplicationCollection -PageSize 100 -Filter "name like *cockpit*" -Filter "type match HOSTED|MICROSERVICE"
| id | name | key | type | availability |
| 8 | cockpit | cockpit-application-key | HOSTED | MARKET |
See the filtering concept page for more details and examples
flatten json output by replacing nested json properties with properties where their names are represented by dot notation.
Useful when you want to make it easier to access highly nested data.
Only used used when the output is set to json
Example: Get the first device in a list and flatten the json result
The select
parameter is used here along with the globstar **
to select all properties of the response. Alternatively --view off
could be used which would have the same effect.
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices list --pageSize 1 --output json --flatten --select "**"
c8y devices list --pageSize 1 --output json --flatten --select "**"
New-DeviceCollection -PageSize 1 -Output json -Flatten -Select "**"
"additionParents.references": [],
"additionParents.self": "https://{tenant}",
"assetParents.references": [],
"assetParents.self": "https://{tenant}",
"c8y_IsDevice": {},
"childAdditions.references": [],
"childAdditions.self": "https://{tenant}",
"childAssets.references": [],
"childAssets.self": "https://{tenant}",
"childDevices.references": [],
"childDevices.self": "https://{tenant}",
"creationTime": "2021-04-18T18:10:12.940Z",
"deviceParents.references": [],
"deviceParents.self": "https://{tenant}",
"id": "494210",
"lastUpdated": "2021-04-24T08:44:28.080Z",
"name": "device_0001",
"owner": "ciuser01",
"self": "https://{tenant}",
"testme": {},
"type": "ci_Test"
Do not prompt for confirmation. The force can be used in scripts or if you are sure you know what you are doing.
It is recommended to avoid using force
where possible, as the confirmation text is there to ensure the user is interacting with the correct tenant before doing a potentially destructive command.
It is recommended to limit usage to within automated scripts.
Force will be ignore if the confirm
parameter is also provided
custom headers. i.e. --header "Accept: value, AnotherHeader: myvalue"
Add custom headers to the output going HTTP request. Useful when a custom microservice utilizes headers in custom api calls, or there is a new Cumulocity header which is not yet supported by go-c8y-cli.
Example: Add custom header when requesting a list of measurements
In this example a custom accept header is used text/csv
when requesting a list of measurements, the header instructs Cumulocity to return the results in a csv format instead of the default json format. c8y measurements list
already has parameters which can control this (csvFormat
and excelFormat
) however for the sake of the exercise, we will add header manually.
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y measurements list --device 494210 --header "Accept: text/csv"
# equivalent to (for c8y measurements list only)
c8y measurements list --device 494210 --csvFormat
c8y measurements list --device 494210 --header "Accept: text/csv"
# equivalent to (for c8y measurements list only)
c8y measurements list --device 494210 --csvFormat
Get-MeasurementCollection -Device 494210 -Header "Accept: text/csv" -AsPSObject:$false
# equivalent to (for c8y measurements list only)
Get-MeasurementCollection -Device 494210 -CsvFormat
Include all results by iterating through each page
Each page is written to standard output as the response is returned, so and downstream commands (via the pipeline) will not have to wait until all of the pages have been retrieved.
Commands which use the inventory query language (i.e. inventory/managedObjects?q=
or inventory/managedObjects?query=
) will be automatically optimized to use the technique of reformatting the query to skip pagination via modifying the query search space by adding _id gt <last_result_id>
to the query. If the tenant has a large about of devices (>20K), this technique drastically decreases the time it takes to retrieve all results instead of iterating over the pages via the currentPage
query parameter. Some of the commands which use the technic are: c8y device list
and c8y inventory find --query "name eq '*'"
This optimization happens without user intervention.
Example: Rename all of the devices by adding a common prefix to the existing device name
Renaming all devices (regardless of how many) can be done by chaining two command together via the pipeline.
The example will follow the following steps:
Get a list of devices but use a query to exclude devices with a specific fragment (which will be added when updating the name)
Update the device name using a template which does two things
a. Add the "ci-" prefix to the existing device name (using the automatic variable input.value
b. Add a custom fragment to mark the device as being completed so if the command is run again then it will not be included in the device list in step 1.
A delay of 200 milliseconds is used between each request to rate limit the requests to reduce load on the platform.
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices list --query "not(has(goc8ycli_Rename))" --includeAll |
c8y devices update --delay 200 --template "{ name: 'ci-' +, goc8ycli_Rename: { lastUpdated: _.Now('0s') } }"
c8y devices list --query "not(has(goc8ycli_Rename))" --includeAll |
c8y devices update --delay 200 --template "{ name: 'ci-' +, goc8ycli_Rename: { lastUpdated: _.Now('0s') } }"
New-DeviceCollection -Query "not(has(goc8ycli_Rename))" -IncludeAll |
Update-Device -Delay 200 -Template "{ name: 'ci-' +, goc8ycli_Rename: { lastUpdated: _.Now('0s') } }"
| id | name | type | owner | lastUpdated | c8y_availability.status |
| 451797 | ci-testdevice_002 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.021Z | |
| 451798 | ci-testdevice_003 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.060Z | |
| 451799 | ci-testdevice_006 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.097Z | |
| 451957 | ci-testdevice_005 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.137Z | |
| 451958 | ci-testdevice_008 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.168Z | |
| 451961 | ci-testdevice_014 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.199Z | |
| 451962 | ci-testdevice_013 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.227Z | |
| 451963 | ci-testdevice_018 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.258Z | |
| 451964 | ci-testdevice_019 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.286Z | |
| 452010 | ci-testdevice_001 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.311Z | |
| 452011 | ci-testdevice_004 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.340Z | |
| 452012 | ci-testdevice_007 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.373Z | |
| 452013 | ci-testdevice_010 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T13:46:38.401Z | |
Add custom message to the activity log
It is useful if you want to add a description to the command that you are running, i.e. a task description, so that your future self can more easily remember why you ran the command.
The message will be under the .message
property of the entry type command
. The HTTP request related to a command are linked via the .ctx
(context) property.
Example: Add custom message to the activity log entry related to executing a command
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices update --id 494210 --data "ci_data.usage=100" --logMessage "setting data usage to 100%"
c8y devices update --id 494210 --data "ci_data.usage=100" --logMessage "setting data usage to 100%"
Update-Device -Id 494210 -Data "ci_data.usage=100" -LogMessage "setting data usage to 100%"
{"time":"2021-04-24T14:33:08.9024232Z","ctx":"CFWmWgDk","type":"command","arguments":["devices","update","--id","494210","--data","ci_data.usage=100","--logMessage","setting data usage to 100%"],"message":"setting data usage to 100%"}
Maximum number of jobs. 0 = unlimited (use with caution!)
One job represents one outgoing HTTP request (not including an lookup by name requests). If the job count exceeds the given maxJobs
value, then the command will exit with a non-zero exit code.
The hard limit can be used to protect against unexpected inputs which are feed from the pipeline. i.e. if you are piping in a list of device ids and to update a fragment on each device, and you want to add a protection against accidentally using the the wrong file which contains a much large list of devices. Setting the maxJobs
to the expected number of jobs is a safe guard in case if the input contains more than what you expect.
Use maxJobs
in production environments to protect yourself against modifying more devices than you expect when using pipelines
Example: Prevent unexpected requests when updating number of devices from a file
You have an input file, my-device-list.txt
, containing device ids (one per line) and you want to set the required availability interval for these. You expect the input file to only contain 5 devices. To ensure that only 5 devices will be processed at time of running the command, you set the maxJobs limit.
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
cat my-device-list.txt | c8y devices setRequiredAvailability --interval 30 --maxJobs 5
cat my-device-list.txt | c8y devices setRequiredAvailability --interval 30 --maxJobs 5
Get-Content my-device-list.txt | Set-DeviceRequiredAvailability -Interval 30 -MaxJobs 5
| id | name | type | owner | lastUpdated | c8y_Availability.status |
| 497913 | mobile-device_0001 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T19:14:44.705Z | AVAILABLE |
| 497718 | mobile-device_0002 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T19:14:44.731Z | AVAILABLE |
| 497821 | mobile-device_0003 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T19:14:44.757Z | AVAILABLE |
| 497914 | mobile-device_0004 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T19:14:44.784Z | AVAILABLE |
| 497719 | mobile-device_0005 | | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T19:14:44.808Z | AVAILABLE |
2021-04-24T19:14:44.622Z ERROR commandError: max job limit exceeded. limit=5
Ignore Accept header will remove the Accept header from requests, however PUT and POST requests will only see the effect
Example: Update a device without returning the object (more performance)
Updating a large about of devices can put a load on the platform. In order to minimize the load, the noAccept
parameter can be used as less processing is required by the platform as it does not need to send the update managed object back.
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices list --name "mobile*" | c8y devices update --data "myOtherFragment={}" --noAccept
c8y devices list --name "mobile*" | c8y devices update --data "myOtherFragment={}" --noAccept
Get-DeviceCollection -Name "mobile*" | batch | Update-Device -Data "myOtherFragment={}" -NoAccept
✓ Updated /inventory/managedObjects/497913 => 200 OK
✓ Updated /inventory/managedObjects/497718 => 200 OK
✓ Updated /inventory/managedObjects/497821 => 200 OK
✓ Updated /inventory/managedObjects/497914 => 200 OK
✓ Updated /inventory/managedObjects/497719 => 200 OK
Don't use colors when displaying log entries on the console
Color is automatically disabled when the output is not written to the console output, i.e. when no pipeline, redirection or variable assignment is being used. But color can be enforced by using --noColor=false
Disables the activity log for the current command
A log in the activity log can be disabled for single command if you don't want it writing the command to file (maybe to increase performance by skipping the write-to-file call done by go-c8y-cli
Ignore the proxy settings
ignores all of proxy settings. Helpful when trying to diagnose proxy problems, or you need to ignore the HTTPS_PROXY
environment variables.
Example: Ignore any proxy environment variables
The following command will not use the proxy settings when using the noProxy
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
export HTTPS_PROXY=""
c8y devices list --noProxy
$env:HTTPS_PROXY = ""
c8y devices list --noProxy
$env:HTTPS_PROXY = ""
Get-DeviceCollection -NoProxy
If you are in doubt about which proxy settings are being used when running a command then add verbose
parameter to turn on the verbose logging, and the proxy/noproxy settings will be displayed on the console.
Disable reading from standard input (stdin). Useful if you are already redirecting to stdin inside a bash for/while loop.
Output format i.e. table, json, csv, csvheader, serverresponse (default "table" (on terminal) otherwise "json")
The table
format is the default when the output is being displayed in the console output, i.e. when no pipeline, redirection or variable assignment is being used. Otherwise json
format is the default (when the server response is JSON of course, otherwise the raw text will be printed).
Example: Get fields from a devices and export as csv
Print output as CSV (without headers) so that the data is easier to stream and parse to other 3rd party tools. select
should also be used together in order to limit which fields are included in the output.
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
# csv without header
c8y devices list --name "mobile*" --select "id,name,type,creation*" --output csv
# csv with header
c8y devices list --name "mobile*" --select "id,name,type,creation*" --output csvheader
# csv without header
c8y devices list --name "mobile*" --select "id,name,type,creation*" --output csv
# csv with header
c8y devices list --name "mobile*" --select "id,name,type,creation*" --output csvheader
# csv without header
New-DeviceCollection -Name "mobile*" -Select "id,name,type,creation*" -Output csv
# csv with header
New-DeviceCollection -Name "mobile*" -Select "id,name,type,creation*" -Output csvheader
Save JSON output to file (after select)
Save raw response to file
The raw response (as returned by Cumulocity) can also be written to file in addition to displaying it on the console.
No view logic or select statements on the response will be applied. This can be useful if you want to tee the output
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y alarms list -p 1 --outputFileRaw test.json
# Or if you don't want any console output, just use redirection, but be sure to use raw!
c8y alarms list -p 1 --raw > test.json
c8y alarms list -p 1 --outputFileRaw test.json
# Or if you don't want any console output, just use redirection, but be sure to use raw!
c8y alarms list -p 1 --raw > test.json
Get-AlarmCollection -PageSize 1 -OutputFileRaw test.json
# Or if you don't want any console output, just use redirection, but be sure to use raw!
Get-AlarmCollection -PageSize 1 -Raw > test.json
| id | status | type | severity | count | |
| 302 | ACKNOWLEDGED | c8y_CepEsperDeprecation | CRITICAL | 133 | 115 |
{"self":"https://{tenant}¤tPage=1","statistics":{"totalPages":1,"currentPage":1,"pageSize":1},"alarms":[{"severity":"CRITICAL","creationTime":"2020-12-10T03:00:23.198Z","count":133,"history":{"auditRecords":[],"self":"https://{tenant}"},"source":{"name":"CEP Engine {tenant}","self":"https://{tenant}","id":"115"},"type":"c8y_CepEsperDeprecation","firstOccurrenceTime":"2020-12-10T03:00:23.108Z","self":"https://{tenant}","time":"2021-04-24T03:00:10.405Z","id":"302","text":"Streaming analytics using CEL (Esper) is deprecated and no longer supported. Please refer to our documentation to migrate your real-time rules to Apama (","status":"ACKNOWLEDGED"}]}
Or it can be used to download a binary from the platform
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y inventory find --query "has(c8y_IsBinary) and type eq 'c8y_applications_storage_*'" |
c8y binaries get >
c8y inventory find --query "has(c8y_IsBinary) and type eq 'c8y_applications_storage_*'" |
c8y binaries get >
Find-ManagedObjectCollection -Query "has(c8y_IsBinary) and type eq 'c8y_applications_storage_*'" |
Get-Binary >
Maximum results per page (default 5)
Set the maximum number of results for commands which return a list of objects. There is usually an upper limit enforced by Cumulocity which is dependant on the Cumulocity object type (i.e. Events, Operations, Managed Objects etc.). By default it is set to 5
Example: Get a collection of alarms and limit the results to 100 alarms
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y alarms list --pageSize 100
c8y alarms list --pageSize 100
Get-AlarmCollection -PageSize 100
Show progress bar. This will also disable any other verbose output
Proxy setting, i.e.
custom query parameters. i.e. --queryParam "withCustomOption=true,myOtherOption=myvalue"
Show raw response. This mode will force output=json and view=off
The Raw
parameter tells the cli tool to return the Cumulocity response without an pre-processing, so that the response including the extra meta properties like next
, self
and statistics
. This is useful if you want to process the original response from Cumulocity yourself, rather than only returning the array items.
This concept is applied to all entities (i.e. alarms, events, managed objects and operations etc.)
and select
parameters will be ignored when using raw
Example: Get a list of alarms
When getting an alarm list without the raw
parameter, only the array containing the alarms is returned (i.e. .alarms
). All of the other properties like statistics
are removed. This is normally the preferred behavior because you are normally only interested in the actual alarms and not any additional meta properties. This reduces the code required when piping the alarm list to another function.
So getting a list of alarms without raw
looks like this:
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y alarms list -p 1 | jq
# or without jq
c8y alarms list -p 1 --output json --view off
c8y alarms list -p 1 | jq
# or without jq
c8y alarms list -p 1 --output json --view off
Get-AlarmCollection -PageSize 1 | tojson
# or without Powershell
Get-AlarmCollection -PageSize 1 -Output json -View off
"severity": "MAJOR",
"creationTime": "2020-01-26T14:21:07.325Z",
"count": 1,
"history": {
"auditRecords": [],
"self": "https://{tenant}"
"source": {
"name": "TestDevicegIvTYAuwPz",
"self": "https://{tenant}",
"id": "131166"
"type": "testType",
"self": "https://{tenant}",
"time": "2020-01-26T14:21:06.921Z",
"text": "Custom Event 1",
"id": "130877",
"status": "ACTIVE"
The view
off is used to ensure all of the json properties are shown to us.
Here is the same command but using the raw
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y alarms list -p 1 --raw
c8y alarms list -p 1 --raw
Get-AlarmCollection -PageSize 1 -Raw
"next": "https://{tenant}¤tPage=2",
"self": "https://{tenant}¤tPage=1",
"statistics": {
"totalPages": 70,
"currentPage": 1,
"pageSize": 1
"alarms": [
"severity": "MAJOR",
"creationTime": "2020-01-26T14:21:07.325Z",
"count": 1,
"history": "@{auditRecords=System.Object[]; self=https://{tenant}}",
"source": "@{name=TestDevicegIvTYAuwPz; self=https://{tenant}; id=131166}",
"type": "testType",
"self": "https://{tenant}",
"time": "2020-01-26T14:21:06.921Z",
"text": "Custom Event 1",
"id": "130877",
"status": "ACTIVE"
Comma separated list of properties to return. wildcards and globstar accepted, i.e. --select "id,name,type,**.serialNumber"
Session configuration
Session enables the use another c8y session for a single command without having to run set-session
This is useful if you want to quickly see what is going on in another tenant without permanently changing your current session, or you want to transfer some information from a staging environment to a dev as a once-off action.
Example: Get a device name from the staging tenant, and create a new device with the same name in a dev tenant
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
devicename=$( c8y operations list --pageSize 1 --session staging-tenant -o csv --select name )
c8y devices create --name "$devicename" --session dev-tenant
$devicename = c8y operations list --pageSize 1 --session staging-tenant -o csv --select name
c8y devices create --name "$devicename" --session dev-tenant
$Device = Get-OperationCollection -PageSize 1 -Session staging-tenant
New-Device -Name $ -Session dev-tenant
Override session password
Override session username. i.e. peter or t1234/peter (with tenant)
Status codes which will not print out an error message
The status codes will still affect the exit code. If you also want these status codes to cause a non-zero exit code, then also add --silentExit
to your command.
Silent status codes do not affect the exit code. The status codes will not be treated as an error.
Request timeout. It accepts a duration, i.e. 1ms, 0.5s, 1m etc. (default 60s)
Total number of pages to get
Display verbose information when sending a command to Cumulocity. The verbose messages help to understand what was sent to Cumulocity and what was received as well with other verbose messages related to the cli tool itself.
Example: Display detailed logging about the command
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices list --verbose
c8y devices list --verbose
New-DeviceCollection -Verbose
2021-04-24T08:44:34.559Z INFO Binding authorization environment variables
2021-04-24T08:44:34.564Z INFO activityLog path: /home/vscode/.go-c8y-cli/activityLog/c8y.activitylog.2021-04-24.json
2021-04-24T08:44:34.564Z INFO Loaded session: /workspaces/go-c8y-cli/.cumulocity/test.runner.ciuser.json
2021-04-24T08:44:34.564Z INFO command: c8y devices list --verbose
2021-04-24T08:44:34.592Z INFO Max jobs: 0
2021-04-24T08:44:34.595Z INFO worker 1: started job 1
2021-04-24T08:44:34.595Z INFO Current username: {tenant}/{username}
2021-04-24T08:44:34.595Z INFO Headers: map[Accept:[application/json] Authorization:[Basic {base64 tenant/username:password}] User-Agent:[go-client] X-Application:[go-client]]
2021-04-24T08:44:34.595Z INFO Sending request: GET https://{host}/inventory/managedObjects?q=$filter=+$orderby=name
2021-04-24T08:44:34.698Z INFO Status code: 200
2021-04-24T08:44:34.698Z INFO Response time: 102ms
2021-04-24T08:44:34.698Z INFO Response Content-Type: application/;charset=UTF-8;ver=0.9
2021-04-24T08:44:34.698Z INFO Response Length: 5.6KB
2021-04-24T08:44:34.698Z INFO Unfiltered array size. len=5
2021-04-24T08:44:34.699Z INFO View mode: auto
2021-04-24T08:44:34.700Z INFO Detected view: id, name, type, owner, lastUpdated, c8y_Availability.status
| id | name | type | owner | lastUpdated | c8y_availability.status |
| 494210 | device_0001 | ci_Test | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T08:44:28.080Z | |
| 480957 | device_0002 | ci_Test | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T08:43:25.058Z | |
| 481037 | device_0003 | ci_Test | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T08:43:25.095Z | |
| 480861 | device_0004 | ci_Test | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T08:43:25.122Z | |
| 480862 | device_0005 | ci_Test | ciuser01 | 2021-04-24T08:43:25.148Z | |
2021-04-24T08:44:34.702Z INFO worker 1: finished job 1 in 107ms
Verbose output is written to standard error, and the output response is written to standard output. The standard output can be redirected to null to only show the verbose messages using:
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y devices list --verbose > /dev/null
c8y devices list --verbose > /dev/null
Get-DeviceCollection -Verbose | Out-Null
View option (default "auto")
Use views when displaying data on the terminal. Disable using --view off
Errors will be printed on stdout instead of stderr
requests that the response should contain the .statistics.totalPages
property to see how many total pages exist.
In order to get an accurate total of entities, it is recommended to use pageSize 1
along with withTotalPages
. The totalPages
property in the response will then display the total number of entities.
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y alarms list --pageSize 1 --withTotalPages
c8y alarms list --pageSize 1 --withTotalPages
Get-AlarmCollection -PageSize 1 -WithTotalPages
| totalPages | pageSize | currentPage |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
The above show the output when views have been applied, so it is only showing your the important information (i.e. only the .statistics
Number of workers (default 1)