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go-c8y-cli provides a way to create shortcuts for commands for specific sessions or globally.

Aliases can be created by using the c8y alias set command.

Aliases support the following features

  • Positional arguments
  • Extra arguments
  • Optional expanding the alias in shell sh (requires sh to work)

Aliases defined by c8y alias set are managed by go-c8y-cli and are different to native shell aliases.

Native shell aliases can also be used, however they will only be available in the shell you define them in and are less portable.


Using aliases have the current limitations but maybe lifted in future versions:

  • c8y aliases using argument references (i.e. $1) are always mandatory and cannot be given a default value


Get a single managed object as json​

Create a shortcut to display a single managed object in json


If you don't use the --shell option then you shouldn't prefix the command with c8y.

c8y alias set mo 'inventory get --id "$1" --view off --output json'


# c8y mo <id>
c8y mo 1234

# Override output format to csv
c8y mo 1234 -o csv

By using --output json in the alias, it means the user can override it by specifying another --output csv. When parameters are provided twice, then the value form the last parameter wins.

Lookup by custom name and type​

Create a shortcut to lookup a device by a device query

c8y alias set byName 'devices list --name "$1" --query "has(c8y_IsDevice) and has(devices_IsCustom)" --pageSize 1 --orderBy desc'


# c8y byName <device_name>
c8y byName myDevice01

# get device by custom name and chain it with another command
c8y byName myDevice01 | c8y alarms create --template test.alarm.jsonnet

Show most recent alarms​

Show the most recent 20 alarms which occurred in the last hour

c8y alias set recentAlarms 'alarms list --dateFrom -1h --pageSize 20'


c8y recentAlarms

Show total number of events for a time period​

Show the most recent 20 alarms which occurred in the last hour

c8y alias set eventCount 'events list --withTotalPages --pageSize 1 --dateFrom "$1" --dateTo "$2"'


Get the total number of events for a time range

# c8y eventCount <dateFrom> <dateTo>
c8y eventCount -2h -1h

c8y eventCount "2021-05-01T00:00:00" "2021-05-05T00:00:00" --type "myType"

Fail stale executing operations​

Fail stale operations created more than x days ago and are still in the EXECUTING state.

The --shell option is used here because two commands are going to be chained together:

  1. Get the operations
  2. Set the piped operations to failed
c8y alias set --shell failStaleOps 'c8y operations list --dateTo "$1" | c8y operations update --status FAILED --failureReason "User cancelled stale operation"'


# c8y failStaleOps <dateTo>
c8y failStaleOps -10d

# Don't prompt for confirmation
c8y failStaleOps -10d --force

Fail stale executing operations (extended)​

The same fail stale executing operations can be modified to also show the number of operations before the operations are failed.

It involves executing an additional to retrieve the total count using --pageSize 1 --withTotalPages trick.

c8y alias set --shell failStaleOps 'echo -n "Total EXECUTING Operations since $1: "; c8y operations list --dateTo "$1" --withTotalPages --select statistics.totalPages -p 1 -o csv; c8y operations list --dateTo "$1" | c8y operations update --status FAILED --failureReason "User cancelled stale operation"'


The alias are either stored in your session file or global settings file. You can edit them via the command line or by editing the appropriate file.

Below shows how the alias looks in the global session file.


The aliases which should be expanded on the shell are prefixed with !.

"settings": {
"commonAliases": {
"recentAlarms": "alarms list --dateFrom -1h",
"mo": "inventory get --view off --output json --id '$1'"
"aliases": {
"searchdevices": "!c8y devices list -p 2000 | grep -i '$1' --color",
"addTag": "!c8y inventory update --template \"{c8y_tags: if std.objectHas(input.value, 'c8y_tags') then input.value.c8y_tags else {}} + {c8y_tags+:{$1: true}}\""