Audit Records
Retrieve the audit records related to an alarm​
The history of an alarm can be recalled by using the following:
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y alarms get --id 70657 | c8y auditrecords list
c8y alarms get --id 70657 | c8y auditrecords list
Get-AlaRemove-Item -Id 70657 | Get-AuditRecordCollection
| id | time | type | AuditSourceDevice | activity | text | user | |
| 497752 | 2021-04-25T12:33:27.741Z | Alarm | 497835 | Alarm created | Device name: 'device01', alarm text: 'Unknown error' | ciuser01 | 497751 |
Retrieve the audit records related to an operation​
The history of an operation can be recalled by using the following:
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y operations get --id 497931 | c8y auditrecords list
c8y operations get --id 497931 | c8y auditrecords list
Get-Operation -Id 497931 | Get-AuditRecordCollection
| id | time | type | AuditSourceDevice | activity | text | user | |
| 497932 | 2021-04-25T12:47:30.920Z | Operation | 497835 | Operation created | Operation created: status='PENDING', description='Restart device', device name='devi… | ciuser01 | 497931 |
| 497933 | 2021-04-25T12:48:40.149Z | Operation | 497835 | Operation updated | Operation updated: status='EXECUTING', description='Restart device', device name='de… | ciuser01 | 497931 |
| 497934 | 2021-04-25T12:48:50.694Z | Operation | 497835 | Operation updated | Operation updated: status='SUCCESSFUL', description='Restart device', device name='d… | ciuser01 | 497931 |
Create audit record related to a device​
- Shell
- PowerShell (native)
- PowerShell (PSc8y)
c8y auditrecords create \
--type "ManagedObject" \
--time "0s" \
--text "Managed Object updated: my_Prop: value" \
--source "497835" \
--activity "Managed Object updated" \
--severity "information"
c8y auditrecords create `
--type "ManagedObject" `
--time "0s" `
--text "Managed Object updated: my_Prop: value" `
--source "497835" `
--activity "Managed Object updated" `
--severity "information"
New-AuditRecord `
-Type "ManagedObject" `
-Time "0s" `
-Text "Managed Object updated: my_Prop: value" `
-Source "497835" `
-Activity "Managed Object updated" `
-Severity "information"
| id | time | type | | activity | text | user | |
| 497753 | 2021-04-25T12:52:17.580Z | ManagedObject | | Managed Object updated | Managed Object updated: my_Prop: value | ciuser01 | 497835 |