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Create a new group, and device and assign the device to the group​

group=$(c8y devicegroups create --name "AU_Group" -o csv --select id)
c8y devices create --name "myDevice01" |
c8y devicegroups children assign --childType asset --id "$group"


Find a managed object by name, and then update it's name​

c8y inventory find --query "name eq 'AU_Group'" --pageSize 1 |
c8y inventory update --newName "AUS_Group"

Adding update firmware and software capabilities (using supported operations)​

c8y devices list --query "name eq 'myDevice*'" |
c8y inventory update \
--template "{c8y_SupportedOperations: ['c8y_Firmware', 'c8y_SoftwareList']}"

Remove a fragment​

c8y inventory find --query "name eq 'myDevice*'" |
c8y inventory update --template "{c8y_Hardware: null}"

Child Assets and Devices​

Get a list of child assets of a group​

c8y devicegroups listAssets --id "AUS_Group"