c8y is Cumulocity on the command line. Managed devices, users, applications, It brings Cumulocity API to the command line.
So this means you can
- manage devices (alarms, events, measurements, operations)
- manage users
- deploy applications and microservices
- create c8y items from templates
- create workflows between commands
- and much much more
c8y comes in two forms, both are available for MacOS, Linux and Windows
- c8y - Native binary. Can be run on any shell you want, but zsh is recommended as tab completion looks really nice there :)
- PSc8y - PowerShell module which wraps c8y in a PowerShell friendly way. Obviously this requires PowerShell ;)
Extending the CLI​
There are several ways you can make customize c8y to suit your needs.
- Create shorthands using c8y alias set
- Make custom API queries using c8y api
- Changing default configuration either globally, per session or using environment variables
- Customize table views to show the data that you want